YouTube videos of

the Mozart Requiem

Follow along with the score while listening or singing the Requiem.  

(Ignore the "Video unavailable" note (if visible) and click on the "Watch on YouTube"!

(Shortcuts to the start of each movement:) 

00:00 - Introitus: Requiem aeternam (choir and soprano solo)

04:44 - Kyrie eleison (choir)

07:15 - Dies irae (choir)

09:01 - Tuba mirum (soprano, contralto, tenor and bass solo)

12:09 - Rex tremendae majestatis (choir)

14:20 - Recordare, Jesu pie (soprano, contralto, tenor and bass solo)

19:02 - Confutatis maledictis (choir)

21:17 - Lacrimosa dies illa (choir)

24:05 - Domine Jesu Christe (choir with solo quartet)

27:38 - Versus: Hostias et preces (choir)

-31:35 - Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth (choir)

32:58 - Benedictus (solo quartet, then choir)

38:12 - Agnus Dei (choir)

41:25 - Communio - Lux aeterna (soprano solo and choir)


More videos from YouTube of Mozart's Requiem:

(Sorry for the obnoxious adds - let them play 5 seconds then hit the "Skip" button.)

Leonard Bernstein conducts this highly regarded performance.

(Shortcuts to the start of each movement:)   Requiem 6:24     Kyrie 13:02    Dies Irae 15:46      Tuba Mirum 17:30     

Rex Tremendae 21:52      Recordare 24:40       Confutatis 30:16       Lacrimosa 32:35       Domine Jesu 39:14       Hostias 42:42       

Sanctus 46:35       Benedictus 48:34       Agnus Dei and Communio 54:16

Orchestre des Champs-Élysées, Collegium Vocale Gent & Accademia Chigiana Siena 

(Shortcuts to the start of each movement:)  Requiem 0:00     Kyrie 4:30      Dies irae 7:02    Tuba mirum 9:00

Rex tremendae 12:10     Recordare 14:03     Confutatis 18:50     Lacrimosa 21:19     Domine Jesu 24:37      Hostias 28:15

Sanctus 32:00      Benedictus 33:36       Agnus Dei 38:00      Communio 41:44

Orchestre national de France and the Choeur de Radio France

"More to Come"


Members of the WVC participated in MidAmerica International's tour of Vienna, Austria, during Easter Week, 2013.  The tour included performing Mozart's Requiem and Schubert's Mass in G in historic churches in Vienna.  This video starts with the Dies Irae from Mozart's Requiem.


Here is Maestro De Fesi conducting the Dies irae in a concert in Monroe in 2010.