Summer 2024 Travel and Singing

with MidAmerica International's

 Concert Tours

WVC Singers (present, past and future):

Many have expressed interest in the travel-and-sing trips for the Summer of 2024.  Below is a summary of MidAmerica International's concert tour programs for next Summer.

We are taking a survey to gauge interest in applying to MidAm International for one of their European programs. 

Singers from the WVC have participated in three of MidAmerica International's concert tours.  Here are links to the pages with memories from these trips:

July 2011 - Festival of the Aegean  

March 2013 - Vienna 

June 2018 - Paris

The 2024 concert tours have these common features: trip lengths are typically 10 - 12 days.  The residencies are in modern hotels conveniently located near city centers.  The assembled choirs rehearse in the mornings and then go on guided tours in the afternoons.  The concerts are accompanied by distinguished orchestras and world-class soloists.  Conductors include Peter Tiboris, John Rutter, Mark Hayes, Giuseppe Lanzetta and other renown conductors.

The tour fees range from $3,200 to $3,700 for dual occupancy rooms (w/ single supplement occupancy typically about $600 to $900).  The fees will be paid in four installments starting in Nov. 2023.  For WVC travelers (both singers and traveling companions,) the individual fees will be collected by WVC's treasurer, Amelia DiCarlo, who in turn will pay MidAmerica.

Tour fees are non-refundable and do not include air fares, trip insurance, most lunches and dinners, and costs of music scores.

As was done in the past, WVC singers who sign up for a concert tour will gather starting in mid-Spring each week before the regular WVC rehearsals to learn/refresh the music for the upcoming tour.  WVC is hoping to garner enough interest to send a group of its singers on one of MidAmerica's 2024 concert tours.

For details see the brochures for each of the concert tours below:

1. Athens.  May 25 - June 4.       Hayden  The Creation

2. Florence plus Verona & Venice, May 31 - June 9.     Lauridsen's  Lux Aeterna

       Mozart Mass in C

3. Paris, June 7 - 16.       Fauré  Requiem;

  Rutter  Te Deum & Gloria;

      Bach  Magnificat

4. Vienna & Salzburg, June 14 - 23.     Mozart  Coronation Mass;  

  Thomas Mass of Celebration;

  Gordal   Eternal Light

5. Warsaw, June 14 - 23.       Mozart Requiem

6. Lisbon & Porto, June 21 - 30.       Fauré  Requiem;  

      Mozart  Coronation Mass;  

      Forrest   Requiem for the Living

7. London, June 21 - 30.       Mozart  Coronation Mass;

      Vivaldi  Gloria

      Lauridsen   Lux Aeterna

      Rutter   Mass of the Children & Gloria 

8, Malta, June 28 - July 7.       Mozart Requiem

9. Athens & Syros, July 5 - 15.       Vivaldi  Gloria

Note: the itineraries and music programs associated with each tour are preliminary and subject to change.

The full descriptions for each of these trips can be found in the box at the bottom of this page or from MidAmerica International's web site:

Please let us know if you might be interested in one of these trips or if you have some questions:

        Chuck Holmes:

We expect MidAm will be polling their community of choirs soon to assess where the interest lies for these concert tours.  They may cancel one or more if there is insufficient interest. 

Registrations and 1st payments are due to MidAmerica by mid-November.

When WVC rehearsals start up on Sept 12, 2023, we will have opportunities to gauge the interest among the WVC members, select which concert tour that has the most interest and inform MidAmerica by early October of our intent to participate.  Initial deposits ($400 for each traveler) will be due to Amelia by Nov 1st.


Below are MidAmerica International's descriptions for each of their concert tours and which you can view and/or download.